Worlds Best Gaming

""WBG was designed to scratch the itch for honest free-thinking game journalism. We write about gaming culture, products, and lifestyle. We don't spend every moment trying to emulate the negative whiny culture of modern games journalism. We actually play the games we review because we are gamers first and journalists second. And that doesn’t make our writing suffer, it just makes it better.

Since I was old enough to hold a controller, I’ve been all about gaming. Like many of you, I've put more than 400 hours into Skyrim. I've owned every console from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo that didn't get weird. I build gaming Pc's from the groung up.

Gaming is what I do and the PC is where I find the best experience.

Lead Writer - Jake

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Best Gaming PC’s Over $1000

Before the next-gen consoles even arrive, Gaming PC’s are outright blasting them away with the specifications. This isn’t anything new. PC Gaming has been considered...

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Best Gaming Monitor of 2021

There is probably nothing more intense in terms of PC Product buying than the monitor. While other parts come in various shades, you generally are...

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Best Gaming Chair of 2021

The elephant in the room in the PC Peripheral industry is that the overlords of product development, disconnected from the people, have deemed it a...

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Best Gaming Headsets of 2021

Today’s games sound greater than ever before, competing with major Hollywood films in sound design quality. I will never forget the intense guttural feel of...

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Best HDD’s of 2021

If you want an epic gaming rig you’ll need to think about how often you want to fill it up with games, meme photos, cat...

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Best SSD’s of 2021

When it comes to PC gaming, the biggest leap in frame rates may come from the GPU but nothing feels smoother than jumping from an...

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Best Motherboards of 2021

The Motherboard is an interesting piece of your gaming rig. It’s almost like the skeleton, a framework for the beautiful creation your glorious PC will...

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Best RAM of 2021

RAM is potentially one of the most misunderstood parts of a computer build. Misconceptions stem from thinking it does everything to assuming RAM space is...

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Worlds Best Gaming